Quality Assurance

Our engineered systems have been refined to provide you with the highest level of quality in the industry.

Quality Control:

Our reputation and growth are a direct result of the pride we take in the work we produce. All orders go through a process: goods are counted in, inspected, prepared, for printing. We reinspected your good when packing up your order.  We will notify you at any point in the production process where a concern is raised.  Even your art will be inspected for any potential printing concerns and discussed before your job goes on press.

Check In All Orders- All orders are received, matched with PO then hand counted and reviewed for production. We inspect the garments, match color and size against PO and look for any visible damage on the good. If there are any discrepancies, you will receive a call from our QC manager or Order manager to discuss the situation and quickly find a solution.

                *Best Practices: 

  • Please indicate the PO number when drop shipping goods.

  • If your goods are due to arrive before you submit your PO, please send an email to orders@pghprinthouse.com so that we know how to handle your goods.

Production Set Up- With a keen eye to detail, our printing team goes to great length to approach your job with the highest level of quality and respect. From art separations to screen set ups, our screen team meticulously handles your job on the back end to set the print team up for success. From there, the print team sets the press and runs several test prints to assure registration, color, placement. This step is checked by at least 3 different team members.


Spot Checking in Production- Once your job starts running, two pressmen load and pull the jobs looking for any impression issues. Our back of the belt guy is checking drying temps for proper curing and impression accuracy.


Finishing Services- If you have elected to have any Finishing Services completed on your job, we initiate this process once the job is completed. Hang Tagging, Folding, Polybagging are all available to you for an additional fee. Please note that finishing services are not included in our production time estimate. We will provide an estimate on job completion with finishing services when you submit your order.


Shipping- We typically bulk pack your order- tee shirts are grouped by size by the dozen and sweatshirts by size by 3 pcs.


Spoilage- Our standard spoilage is 2% on all orders which is the commercial print industry standard. This means that we agree to have a 2% underrun on your job with no replacement needed on our end. We will adjust your PO to remove the print charge for spoiled pieces on your order. If you need 100% completion rate on your job, please add ____ fee to your order.

Any spoilage over 2% will take care of at no additional cost to you.